
  • +7 (7212) 41‒17‒20вахта
  • +7 (7212) 41‒17‒18приемная

Адреса корпусов:

  • Бухар-Жырау проспект, 91 корпус
  • Костенко, 112 корпус
  • Бухар-Жырау проспект, 11а3 корпус
  • Волгодонская, 454 корпус

Время работы:

  • пн-пт 08:00–18:00обед 13:00-14:00
  • сб 08:00–14:00

Социальные сети:

Final day of training at the University College of Teacher Education Tvrol, Austria
The group of project participants on the seventh day of training continued the topic of competence development within the framework of dual education
Regine Mathies held a seminar on the competence development
The fifth day of the training
Today, the training is dedicated to cooperation with the public and private sectors and the conclusion of agreements between them
Today, a Stady-tour was held for the participants of the Kazdual project to a professional school in the field of metalworking
The second day of training
Continuation of cascade training in Europe under the KazDual project. Training of trainers at the Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol in Innsbruck (Austria)
Final day of training at the university Otto von Guericke Magdeburg, Germany