
  • +7 (7212) 41‒17‒20вахта
  • +7 (7212) 41‒17‒18приемная

Адреса корпусов:

  • Бухар-Жырау проспект, 91 корпус
  • Костенко, 112 корпус
  • Бухар-Жырау проспект, 11а3 корпус
  • Волгодонская, 454 корпус

Время работы:

  • пн-пт 08:00–18:00обед 13:00-14:00
  • сб 08:00–14:00

Социальные сети:

Today, the training is dedicated to cooperation with the public and private sectors and the conclusion of agreements between them

This topic is of particular interest in the framework of the organization of dual education (DL). Professor Christine Briggs presented the case of Germany as a positive experience in the development of dual education, where there is a special way to acquire a profession through dual training, which lasts from 2 to 3.5 years. Responsibility in the country is divided between the public and private sectors, where the Federal Ministries, the Ministries of the Lands, the Association of Employers and trade unions are interested. The main question that interested the listeners, of course, was the issue of regulation of distance education at the legislative level. The legal basis of the dual vocational education system in Germany is based on the Law on Vocational Education and the Code of Regulation of Crafts and Professions. These two documents set the fundamental standards for part of the dual training in enterprises, including the creation of conditions for vocational training and examination systems.

 As Professor Briggs noted, for companies to be willing to invest in dual training, they must be convinced that such participation has additional benefits for them. Economic interests are the main criterion. The stakeholder must be confident in the goals and relevance of dual training. The attention of the participants was drawn to the cases of Germany, where the state organizes dialogue forums where they, business, social partners and civil society reach an agreement. Employers and trade unions jointly develop minimum standards for part of the training at the enterprise, which are agreed upon for part of the training at school. As part of the financing of DOs, the main contribution is made by companies providing training.

 In general, all participants in the process benefit from this mechanism: the State reduces the cost of vocational training, the unemployment rate decreases; Companies influence the content and organization of DOs, attract low staff recruitment costs, and qualified employees are guaranteed to come to them; Students acquire a profession, training (30% - college education and 70% - within the company) associated with the labor market, receive a certain salary and social skills.

 As for certification exams, in Germany the dual system contains 2 models for conducting them (interim/final exams (testing theoretical and practical knowledge), certification exams (testing knowledge for the entire period of study).

 In addition, Professor Briggs clearly outlined Force Majeure circumstances when concluding Contracts, which should be clearly stated in this document, drew attention to the consequences of Force Majeure, while citing German law in relation to this unforeseen circumstance.

 In continuation of the topic, Olga Zekhel in her lecture “Dual education at a university - examination features” gave an example of the organization of dual education (university + profession), its structure, the structure of the curriculum (mandatory modules, elective modules). Of particular interest to the audience was trial education, where students receive not two, but three degrees, that is, students during the period of study (4.5-5 years) undergo professional training in one of the professions in the field of vocational education, followed by further education in order to become a master in their chosen profession and receive a bachelor's degree in business management in a specialty, for example, "Vocational Education Management". Having obtained these three degrees, graduates are given the opportunity to start a professional career in a managerial position immediately after graduation. In general, these students study for 2.5 years at the company and pass an exam in the Chamber of Industry and receive a Certificate of Vocational Education (this is a state-recognized certificate).