
  • +7 (7212) 41‒17‒20вахта
  • +7 (7212) 41‒17‒18приемная

Адреса корпусов:

  • Бухар-Жырау проспект, 91 корпус
  • Костенко, 112 корпус
  • Бухар-Жырау проспект, 11а3 корпус
  • Волгодонская, 454 корпус

Время работы:

  • пн-пт 08:00–18:00обед 13:00-14:00
  • сб 08:00–14:00

Социальные сети:

The second day of training at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany

On 14.06.2022 the second day of training for Kazakhstan participants of the international project 618835-ERR-1-2020-1-KZ-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP Kazdual "Inplementing Dual System in Kazakhstan", co-financed by Erasmus+ program of the European Union, was held at Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg (Germany). Training participants from M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Karagandy University of the name of academician E.A. Buketov, Shakarim University, Karaganda Higher Polytechnic College, Electrotechnical College were introduced to the main models of training programs and their main conceptual differences, main stages of training program development, principles of workflow analysis using a combination of expert interviews, open discussions and observations. As part of the training the participants were introduced to the DACUM method, the analysis of major errors in the application of the DACUM method, the logical background of the DACUM method, the stages of DACUM. Great interest among the training participants was aroused by such issues as the development of job profiles and training programs, drawing up a matrix of the scope of work and related tasks. As a continuation of the training, issues such as 1) Work-oriented didactics, work tasks, 2) Professional competencies and professional curricula, 3) Scope-oriented curricula, and 4) Action-oriented learning methods were discussed. Training participants debated the place of vocational education and training didactics, the connection between analyzing work processes and designing curricula based on them. The final presentation of the second day of the training included an analysis of the needs of the German economy for qualified university graduates, an overview of the framework conditions for implementing dual education programs in Germany, models of interaction between the labor market and the education sector, a discussion of regional characteristics, labor market demands in the development of curricula, procedures for developing a training profile. At the end of the training, the participants analyzed possible labor situations, dual training programs in different areas, discussed the experience of Kazakhstan universities and colleges in the implementation of dual training programs.