
  • +7 (7212) 41‒17‒20вахта
  • +7 (7212) 41‒17‒18приемная

Адреса корпусов:

  • Бухар-Жырау проспект, 91 корпус
  • Костенко, 112 корпус
  • Бухар-Жырау проспект, 11а3 корпус
  • Волгодонская, 454 корпус

Время работы:

  • пн-пт 08:00–18:00обед 13:00-14:00
  • сб 08:00–14:00

Социальные сети:

On November 3, 2022, the Kazdual project team continues its work at the training on quality assurance and accreditation organized by the international agencies ACQUIN and CEENQA

Today's training began with a discussion of "Problems and solutions in the implementation of dual professional programs" which was conducted by CEENQA representative Maya Milas. The purpose of the presentation: to help all interested parties in planning, organizing and conducting (online and/or traditionally) visits to educational institutions. In the second part of the training, ACQUIN expert Lyazzat Nugumanova discussed with IQAA (Kazakhstan) and the Kazdual team about the national accreditation requirement and what to pay attention to when accrediting dual training in the context of Kazakhstan. In the third part of the training, which was conducted by the representative of the Otto-Von-Gericke University (Germany) Julia Nepomyasha about the dual program of study at universities. The main purpose of the training is career guidance, how to identify students of a particular specialty and their satisfaction. The seminar discussed the differences between procticooriented and dual training. The problems of dual education in German universities were also considered. The final part of the training was conducted by Mikhail Kireev, Tallinn University (Estonia). Where he shared his experience in applying accreditation standards, and what to pay attention to when developing dual training programs. Representatives of the Consortium express their gratitude to foreign experts for a productive seminar.